Thursday, December 20, 2018


There's just something about a young man's passionate declaration of love, even to someone like me who knows that such passion is a fleeting thing that lasts for days or maybe months or, if you're really lucky and say your payers faithfully, maybe for a year or two. But fade it will and only the memory, sweet or bittersweet or tragic will remain. 

A .gif to go along with my Facebook cover and also with the video of the song because I'm too lazy to make it into a music video and I don't feel like arguing with YouTube about copyrights.

Since Facebook Notes don't support .gifs, I had to make it into a video. 

And here is a video for the song. Lyrics are below.  As well as onscreen...

It's easy to do a manual sync. Just click on both videos. Mine is silent. I thought about singing along, but decided to spare you that.